Corporate Governance
Great Western Credit Union strives to meet the highest standards of corporate governance. We work hard to ensure we comply with all our regulatory requirements, as well as meeting best-practice credit union standards in line with our member-ownership and mutual ethos.
Great Western Credit Union is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Firm Reference Number is 213583. You can check our details on the Financial Services Register by clicking here or going to
We are members of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and we subscribe to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Credit Unions in Great Britain are set up under the Credit Unions Act 1979 and the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (formerly the Industrial & Provident Societies Act 1965). Our mutuals registration number is IP00597C (at Companies House) or just 597C on the FSA Mutuals Register at
This section of our website provides some information about GWCU and how we are run, together with information on our financial performance and credit union democracy. The information is primarily intended for our members and has been prepared for them.
Financial Information
Financial information, including Annual Accounts, is prepared for the benefit of our members, and our auditors report to the members-only, in accordance with the Credit Union Act 1979. Our financial year-end is on 30th September each year.
Download Annual Accounts 2023-2024
Rules of Membership
As a co-operative BCU operates under a Rule Book which is approved by members at a General Meeting. Once changes are approved by members then a new Rule Book is registered with the Financial Services Authority under their responsibilities for Mutual Societies. The last changes to the Rule Book were approved at the Annual General Meeting in February 2016, and you can download them here:
General Meetings
Formal General Meetings of members of GWCU are called to deal with business set out in the Rule Book. There is usually one meeting each year - the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The business of the AGM is set out in the Rule Book and follows a fixed format each year.
It is also possible to hold Special General Meetings - these are held to deal with any formal business of the credit union which arises outside the AGM cycle which is too urgent to wait for the next AGM.
Members are notified about General Meetings according to the Rule Book. Only GWCU members and invited guests may attend a General Meeting.
Members can find the minutes and supporting documents from the latest General Meeting in the Member Notifications section by logging in to the Member Area.
Get Involved
You can make a difference to your community by giving as little as 2 hours per week