The Board
GWCU's directors are highly skilled volunteers. Most have a background in finance and decades of experience working in the sector. They are credit union members themselves, and are united by their passion for giving back to the community.
As a Great Western Credit Union member, you can vote for new board members each year at the AGM.
How it works:
- The board has up to 11 members
- They serve for a term of three years and can be re-elected a maximum of three times (that is, up to a maximum of 9 years' service)
- GWCU members vote for new board members each year
- The board chooses a chair, vice-chair and secretary
Denis Lindsay
Lewis Ryden
Lewis Ryden joined the Board in 2016. Lewis has over 20 years’ experience in financial services, primarily at Lloyds Banking Group having working across all their consumer distribution channels. He left in 2009 to establish a small luxury travel business with his partner which they have now sold. Lewis returned to banking, joining fintech Atom Bank to head their customer experience function prior to launch. He is currently back at Lloyds to help develop their digital channel capability for business customers.
Jonquil Cairns
Jonquil Cairns joined the Board in 2015. She brings 25 years’ experience from Lloyds Banking Group, in Retail, Commercial and Operations functions, and her qualification as a Certified Accountant to her role as a Director. She is Chair of the Risk Oversight Committee and a member of the Audit Committee. Having recently retired, Jonquil also volunteers as a Business Mentor for the Prince's Trust and as an Engagement Volunteer at Bristol Zoo.
Simon Taylor
Simon Taylor joined the Board in December 2019. He's an experienced board Trustee and Director, having worked with many different organisations including churches, schools, the Redcliffe Children's Centre, and Derbyshire Community Bank. Simon is Director of Ministry Development for the Bristol Diocese, previously Canon Chancellor of Derby Cathedral, and Priest in Charge at St. Mary Redcliffe.
Peter Kellet
Peter Kellett (Secretary, non-practising solicitor) joined the Board in 2021, and until October 2022 was the lead lawyer for the Environment Agency on a range of corporate governance issues where he led a diverse full service in-house legal team. Peter was a trustee then chair of the UK Environmental Law Association until 2011; and a trustee and then chair of St. Werburghs City Farm in Bristol until September 2018. He has also contributed to a wide range of publications about the environment.
Paul Jones
Paul Jones joined the Board in 2023. He brings 35 years’ experience in banking and finance, across multiple functions in various global institutions. Following director roles in Lloyds Bank, Paul is currently working for British Business Bank supporting the delivery of regional funds across the South West and nationally. An active mentor for business growth, as well as personal achievement, Paul has been a board advisor to many boards and charities focussed on social mobility and inclusion.
Interested in joining the Board?
If you are interested in becoming a Director of Great Western Credit Union, please email and a member of the team will put you in contact with the GWCU People Committee.
Application process for nomination for election as a Director of Great Western Credit Union
- You will be invited to have a face to face meeting, usually with the Chair or vice Chair to hear about what being a Director involves, the time commitment and the role you might play on the Board.
- If you wish to proceed you will need to complete a short application form setting out why you want to become a Director.
- On receipt of the application the People Committee will arrange a short interview for you usually with two Directors
- If successful you will receive a formal offer letter which will include the proposed date for your co-option to the board and nomination at the Annual General Meeting. Details of the induction programme will also be included.
- If you are happy to accept the offer you will be asked to confirm this in writing, provide two references and confirm your suitability to be a Director of GWCU
Note: The Rules covering Nominating and Electing Officers are set out in the GWCU Rule Book 2021.