Halloween-themed DIY costumes and projects to keep you and the little ones busy over half-term.
Halloween is right around the corner and if you want to have some spooky fun without breaking the bank, here are some fun Halloween-themed DIY costumes and projects to keep you and the little ones busy over half-term.
Easy costume DIY's
Which child doesn’t want to dress up as a superhero for Halloween? This easy DIY will make you the real superhero! All you need is a cape! You can use whatever you have around the house, including an old pillowcase, blanket or sheet. Just cut it up how you like and tie it with some ribbon! For a little extra excitement, either grab an eye mask from the local Poundland or B&M (who knows, you might even have one lying around) or some plain paper and cut some eye holes for the perfect superhero disguise. This costume can go with any outfit, after all, superheroes are regular people, just like us!
This one is perfect for the whole family. Grab some colourful party hats at the shop and find a matching t-shirt from your wardrobe, bonus points if you can dig out matching trousers! You can get your little ones cut up some letters to spell out ‘Crayola’ and stick them onto your t-shirts to add an extra touch to your costumes. This is sure to make the cutest family portrait to share with friends and family.
This one can double-up as a costume and a fun activity for your children. Cut up some templates to fit your child’s face, using any paper, old newspaper works perfectly for this activity. Then, get your kids decorate them however they like! Pull out their coloured-pencils and markers to see their visions come alive. When they are done, tie some ribbon or string so they can wear their beautiful work of art as their costumes! P.S. don’t forget to cut out some holes for the eyes!
Fun arts and crafts
What is a holiday without a little bit of garland? The perfect DIY for kids, as well as adults! All you need is some paper, string and glue! Cut out some triangles and get decorating. You can create whatever your heart desires, ghosts, witches, mummies- the spookier, the better!
Ghost and pumpkin balloons
DIY’s don’t get easier than this! You just need some balloons. Grab a pack of white and orange balloons (multicolour works just as well!). Blow up some fun colours, you can make some spooky ghost faces on the white ones and some scary jack-o-lantern faces on the orange ones. Watch your kids’ creativities come out as they try their hand at making some boo-tastic balloons! Hang them up using tape around the house and your home is Halloween-ready.
Activity pages
This one takes a classic and puts a spooky spin on it. To get started, head over to your local library and print out some fun Halloween themed worksheets and colouring pages! There are plenty to choose from on education.com, ranging from word searches, colouring pages, pumpkin mazes and so much more. They are categorized by age so you can choose the perfect pages for your little one. This will keep them busy all half-term!
For more fun, check out our recent blog post where we highlight all of the Halloween-themed events near you, all taking place during the October half-term.