We have rounded up some tips to help you stay cool while the weather heats up
While your first instinct may be to turn on all of the fans in your home, we have gathered some tips that will help keep both your body temperature and your electricity bills down.
Freeze your tea towels
This a great tip that you can use for yourself and your furry pets. Put a few tea towels, washrags or towels in the freezer for a few hours and apply them to your head and body throughout the day to cool down. These are also great for your pets, just lay a towel on them to cool them right down. You can even freeze pyjamas, socks, hats to stay extra cool.
Take cold showers
This may be an obvious one but a good reminder to turn down the temperature on your water heater! Now that we are entering regular heatwaves, there’s less need for hot showers so make sure you check your boilers and turn down the temperature. Chill out your electric bills and yourself!
Make homemade ice lollies
Ice lollies are a lovely and fun summer treat for the whole family. To keep it simple and affordable, just use any fruit juice that you already have in your fridge. Get some moulds (here’s one from Wilko that is also dishwasher safe) and just pour in the juice of your choice, orange, cranberry, even apple! Freeze overnight and your ice-cold summer treat is ready!
Invest in a portable fan
Food shopping, school runs and weekend outings can get quite uncomfortable during the hotter months. To avoid overheating, consider purchasing a small, handheld fan. This one from B&M fits in a purse or bag, is £5 and rechargeable! They also come in some fun colours, perfect for the whole family.
Wild swimming
Swimming is the ultimate cool summer activity. While community, neighbourhood pools can get costly, wild swimming is a great alternative and can be very affordable.
There are a few great websites that can help you find the perfect spot to spend the weekend:
For some spots in and around Bristol, have a look at this list by Explorers Connect. Here is a list for some pleasant spots in the Wider South West.
Of course, always follow any rules that apply where you’re thinking of swimming and do please be extra careful of water hazards when swimming anywhere there’s no lifeguard service. Check out the RNLI’s safety information here. The Wild Swimming website also has important safety tips and some dangers to consider before trying this activity. Â